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Now Offering Somatic 1:1 Experiencing Therapy

Nature Nurtures, the holding of nature is powerful for restoring and regulating our nervous system. Connecting with nature is connecting with your authentic self.


Sister Sarah holds space for one to one therapy, workshops and retreats with Somatic Experiencing, Neuro Dramatic Play ® and flow in creative expression & improvisation.

Founded by therapist & facilitator Sarah Hutchinson, Sister Sarah reflects the idea of a sister as a good friend that walks beside you and supports you without being directive, someone who you can have a relationship of trust with, who encourages you to access your own inner sense of knowing and truth, to be authentic; someone you feel safe with.

"Sarah is a calming resource"



sister sarah somatic creative therapy

Sister Sarah is a Brighton-based therapist and practitioner, offering somatic therapy for adults, NDP approach mainly for children, reiki, and wild creative wisdom workshops. Trained with Dr. Sue Jennings, the founder of the first MA training in Drama therapy in the UK, completing her Diploma in Neuro Dramatic Play ®. She is also 'SOSI Internationale' Somatic Experiencing®  Advanced trained.

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1:1 Therapy

Sarah is a present witness, holding a safe container in which you can allow your body to release, express and bring to the surface all that is no longer needed. Sarah assists clients to identify the best resources to bring settling into their systems to balance the waves of activation that may pass through. These resources also help to expand the container of the system to hold activation and clear the way for creative expression to arise. Presence, aliveness and clarity to be experienced, allowing the body to speak and lead in creative exploration. 


A safe space for playful creative group interactions as well as a shared container to go deeper in self awareness and connection with others; where the personal and universal can overlap to bring a sense of solidarity. Internal barriers and inhibitions are encouraged to soften, facilitating opportunities for flow with moving, sound, art, writing, drama, story making and more.

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Yoga Retreat


Opportunities to go deeper and bond with a group, forming a collective creative energy in which an intuitive conversation can unfold through different mediums. Taking time out from the busy-ness of day to day life to prioritise well being and give focused time for creative expression. Daily programmes of yoga, dance, meditation, self-reflection, sharing, structures for creative exploration with a range of mediums and materials, find connection with yourself & others. 

More about services on offer



"I'm very grateful to Sarah for these calming and holding sessions. I was able to unwind and come back to my body, guided so gently and beautifully by Sarah. Having been working a very stressful job at the time, little else was able to help me re-centre the way the sessions did. Thank you Sarah!"

- Sara

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